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How to Manage Emails | Tips to Unsubscribe & Prioritize

March 26, 20192 min read

How to Manage Emails

Do you know those people who have a notification for 1,920 unread emails in their inboxes? Is it just me, or does that give you anxiety? Here, find tips for how to manage emails and find inbox peace.


First, organize. Go to to find a list of all the emails you're currently subscribed to. The site helps you unsubscribe as well as package all remaining subscriptions into ONE tidy email per day. Do yourself a favor and Marie Kondo your inbox!


Next, time block. Set aside 15-30 minutes dedicated to sifting through the information of chosen subscribed emails. Going through them as they come in is distracting and wastes time. File the ones that serve you and delete the ones that do not.


Lastly, save for later. I have a folder in my inbox dedicated to non-urgent emails that I'd like to return to. Next time you're in the waiting room of the dentist or the school carpool wait line, head to that folder!

Monthly Resources You'll Actually Love!

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Each other week, Emerald Rue's newsletter includes a family-friendly resource, activity, or event. Also, it contains stories or videos that'll brighten your day from around the world. You'll be the first to know promotions so you can continue to archive your family's memories.

I go out of my way to bring you content that'll serve you. Each newsletter is laid out so you can quickly take what you like and leave the rest.

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