Young girl wearing pink rides foot scooter through neighborhood.

Woodbury Family Videography | The Elling Family

July 20, 20181 min read

Woodbury Family Videography Story

When a new baby arrives life tends to revolve around eating and sleeping schedules. Life before a baby can seem like eons ago. Courtney & Ryan have been accustomed to life with a four-year-old. This includes adventures such as exploring, playgrounds, and soccer. Also, the hilarious things she says and doesn't even realize are hilarious. To remember all of this, they invited me to their Woodbury home for a family videography story.

Courtney & Ryan longed to remember their time as a family of three. They wanted a moving picture of what a typical summer evening looked like before baby brother arrived. Lyla is very full of four-year-old vitality and wonder. It was a joy for me to follow her and see the world through her eyes. The experience was a great reminder, never to lose that childlike feeling.

Are you wondering about the rest of the Elling family story? See The Continuing Story for their full experience of a year's worth of family films.

Did you love this Woodbury family videography session? Find more information on the Sessions page. Reach out to Jen to schedule one of your own!

Father and daughter on swing while mother pushes during Woodbury family videography session.Little girl swings on her belly in Woodbury family videography session.Woodbury family videography session. Little girl spins wheel on playground.Woodbury family videography session. Young girl rides her scooter down the road.Daughter hugs mother's pregnant belly during Woodbury family videography session.Man and woman look at each other with loving gaze in Videography of Woodbury image.Close up of couple holding hands.Little girl smiles as she sits on the playground jungle gym.

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