For Chelsea & Josh, a Minnesota family wanting a video, it's the sound of their children running down the hallway. The light thud of tiny toes hit the hardwood. The giggles as the twins share an exhilarated glance.
I've heard a variety of little things that parents want me to film so they can remember. And honestly, I cry every time I'm editing that very part. Because it's the little things that mean the most and fade the quickest.
Chelsea so eloquently summed it up in a post she created. I share it here with her permission.
"We savor the little things. Perhaps it's a direct result of infertility, of waiting so long for these two. Or perhaps it's just parenthood, realizing how fast time goes and how quickly times change. But the little things, we cling to them. We smile every time. It's the way Sissy and Logan's voices sing out their favorite song. The noise their feet make when they race down the upstairs hall, pretending to be a space ranger or bringing their clothes to the laundry room. The way they set the table, sip their drinks, pull their clothes over their heads, giggle with glee while swinging. The everyday moments. These are so precious to us.
We had the ever wonderful (Jen from Emerald Rue) come out and capture a regular, average morning with our family and she put together this video that I treasure so much. When Josh and I first watched it, we sat in stunned silence (and tears!) at how many little things she caught that were so perfectly them. Sis holding two pieces of bacon, Logan wanted to put sprinkles in his drink because "it would be really good!", the way they pray. I told Jen she gave us the most special gift in sharing her talent with us to make this.
We are so blessed."
You can read more about Chelsea & Josh's journey to parenthood at
Watch their Minnesota family video and see select documentary photos below.
{Interested in a family film of your own? Let's chat!}
The twins love to help set the table!
The patter of toes on the hardwood is one the parents treasure!
I just love how they do everything together!
The sweetest!
Copyright 2025 Jennifer Martodam Creative, LLC